
Come and discover the transformative power of breathwork. Breathwork is a powerful way a person can approach their innermost internal battles. The intention of breathwork is to help a person access their unconscious mind, the trauma they have repressed, and bring it to their state of consciousness. Using breathwork techniques, can offer a very safe way to reduce stress, manage anxiety, improve emotional regulation, mental clarity, better sleep, trauma healing, grief, depression, and face anger head-on so that our moods don’t start to take over our personal and professional lives. Through intentional breathing techniques, our breathwork sessions provide a range of benefits for individuals navigating mental health challenges. Our sessions empower individuals to cultivate self-awareness and mindfulness, fostering a deeper connection to their inner peace..

60 mins | $155 credit/debit /$150 cash

Chakra Yoga

When any of the 7 chakras are not aligned or out of balance, it can become detrimental to our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health. Research has shown that the ancient practice of yoga has a powerful impact on our daily lives and functioning. The use of a handful of simple yoga poses can help rebalance our 7 chakras, and impact our communication with others, our responses to certain stimuli, and our coping skills in stressful situations.

60 mins | $155 credit/debit I $150 cash

Sound Bowl Therapy

Sound therapy is an ancient, rooted technique that has been around for over 40,000 years. Sound instruments have been used for healing in cultures all over the world. Music has the power to make us feel certain ways and helps us gently shift thoughts from one state to another. Research has shown that the vibrations in sound therapy change the state our brain is in. The sound stimulates specific brain waves and initiates a relaxations response.

60 mins | $85credit/debit I $80 cash

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Find out how LIT can help you find your inner peace. Book a free 15-minute consultation today.